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 Lagu Barat

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Jumlah posting : 142
Age : 38
Lokasi : BB 3
Registration date : 11.06.07

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PostSubyek: Lagu Barat   Lagu Barat Icon_minitimeThu Jun 21, 2007 12:41 pm

Friend of God - Shout Praises! Kids 4 (2004)

E C#m7 F#m7 E

E C#m7
Who am I that you are mindful of me
F#m7 E
That you hear me, when I call
E C#m7
Is it true that you are thinking of me
How you love me
Its amazing

E C#m7
I am a friend of God, I am a friend of God
F#m7 E
I am a friend of God He calls me friend

A2 G#m7
God almighty, Lord of glory
F#m7 A2
You have called me friend

susah chordnya Mad tapi lagunya asik bgt bounce

Terakhir diubah oleh BRa-M tanggal Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:40 am, total 1 kali diubah
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Jumlah posting : 142
Age : 38
Lokasi : BB 3
Registration date : 11.06.07

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PostSubyek: Lagu Barat   Lagu Barat Icon_minitimeWed Sep 10, 2008 9:39 am

Lenny Leblanc - I Believe

Like a ship on troubled waters
Many sail alone
Mothers weep for sons and daughters
And pray they will come home
For soon it will be harvest time
And all the storms will pass
O what joy I'll find
When I see You at last

You are my resting place
Along the narrow highway
You are my bridge
Across the open sea
You are my Savior
And my passageway to Heaven
O Jesus I believe in You
O Jesus I believe

Father You have seen my struggles
And You have known my fears
But Lord You've been so faithful
To wipe away my tears
So when the world laughs at me
And says I'm just a fool
I will bow my knee
And worship only You

I believe You are the only answer
To life's questions
Lord help me keep my heart
In the right direction
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